March 14, 2019 года
10:00 - 14:00
Conference Hall «E»
Free admission
Organizers: Research Institute of Construction Physics of the Russian Academy of Architecture and Construction Sciences, Ceramic Materials Manufacturers Association
Subjects for discussion: Requirements for the design of building envelopes, changes in regulations, the use of ceramics in building envelopes, problems of crack formation on the facing layer of external walls.
Reports of well-known scientists, experts, representatives of leading industry institutes: Research Institute of Building Physics of RAASN, Scientific Center of Ceramics at VNIISTROM, Kucherenko Construction Research Center (Construction SRC), Center for Energy Saving and Efficient Energy Use at NIIMosstroy Construction Complex.
Reports will be concerned with:
- changes in regulations;
- criteria for assessing the durability of the facing layers of multilayer building envelopes and chemical corrosion of building ceramics;
- assessment of the conformity of design and actual thermal performance of external building envelopes;
- problems of crack formation on the facing layer of external walls.
Conference Leaders:
Vladimir G. Gagarin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the RAASN, Head of the Laboratory of Construction Thermophysics at NIISF RAASN;
Albert A. Popov, Director of Ceramic Materials Manufacturers Association.
Speakers and Reports:
- Vladimir G. Gagarin, Doctor of Technical Sciences, Professor, Corresponding Member of the RAASN, Head of the Laboratory at NIISF RAASN. Subject: “Calculation of reduced total thermal resistance using temperature fields and Reguations 230.1325800”.
- Pavel P. Pastushkov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, SRF at NIISF RAASN. Subject: “The use of the service factor of insulating materials in building envelopes for heat engineering calculations”.
- Dmitry Y. Zheldakov, Candidate of Technical Sciences, SRF at NIISF RAASN. Subject: “On the durability of multilayer building envelopes”.
- Mikhail K. Ischuk, Head of the Laboratory for Restoration of Heritage Stone Buildings and Structures at Kucherenko Construction Research Center, SRF, Candidate of Technical Sciences, Honorary Builder of Russia. Subject: “Resistibility and deformation capacity of masonry of the facing layer of external walls under temperature stress”.
- L. Ischuk, subject: “Computer calculation program considering the formation and growth of cracks”.
- Oleg A. Larin, Head of the Center for Energy Saving and Efficient Energy Use at NIIMosstroy Construction Complex, Candidate of Technical Sciences. Subject: “Problems of technical rate setting in the design of facade structures”.
Audience: We invite architects and designers, representatives of construction companies, manufacturers of building materials, professional associations, employees of research institutes and professors of relevant higher education institutes.