April 3
Session «Experience in Architecture»
April 3. 10:30 - 11:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Architectural Approach in Interior Design.
Speaker: Ilya Meytys, the ARCHKON Architectural Bureau CEO
April 3. 11:30 - 12:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Dima Loginoff's Collections
April 3. 12:30 - 13:00 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
New Life of Old Factories: How to Turn Former Shops into Premium Facilities.
IND Architects Workshop about Facility Redevelopment.
April 3. 13:15 - 14:45 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Architecture & Design of Work and Education Space: Create an Ambience for Your Success and Development.
Speaker: Arseniy Leonovich, CEO of the PANACOM Architectural Bureau
April 3. 15:00 - 15:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
The Best Office: Economy Features in the Office Design Project.
Speaker: Andrey Hazov, the Fort Project CEO
April 3. 15:30 - 16:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Sophisticated World of Illusions or Space as a Touchpad: Modern Cinema Architecture. Hi-Tech Multiplex Designs and 'Tired' Cinemas Restoration
Speaker: Aleksandr Balabin, Severin Project CEO
April 3. 16:30 - 17:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Architectural Public Spaces Concepts. Where to Derive Ideas and How to Realize Them Properly.
Speaker: Ilona Boleyshits, an architect, CEO of the AR-KA Architecture and Construction Company
«Architecture & Interior Design Trends »
April 3. 11:00 - 12:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Custom Design Opportunities of Today
Speaker: Irina Chun, a founder of Cha-design, a graduate of Irkutsk National Research Technical University, a winner of the Venice Architecture Biennaleе
12:00 - 18:00 One Day with DETAILS Design School:
April 3. 12:00 - 13:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
The Dream House: Escape Stereotypes.
Speaker: Veronika Andrihova, an art director of the DETAILS Design School, art historian and interior designer
April 3. 13:30 - 15:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Modern Residential Interior Trends.
Speaker: Olga Malieva, a designer, a prizewinner of the ELLE Decoration Design Awards 2017, among TOP100 Best Designers & Architects according to AD Magazine.
April 3. 15:00 - 16:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
New Bathroom Content.
Speaker: Irina Tatrnikova, a designer, a teacher of the DETAILS Design School, the DETAILS Travel Project Manager, an author of modern interior publications
April 3. 16:30 - 18:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Low-cost Residential Interior Modifications.
Speaker: Marina Braginskaya, a designer, public and private interiors author
Сессия «Апартаменты будущего»
April 3. 12:00 - 13:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-576
Тренды развития светотехники
Спикер: Масленников Александр, практикующий светодизайнер, архитектор света, сооснователь школы светодизайна MPEI LIGHT LAB.
April 3. 13:00 - 13:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-576
Дизайн-мышление в светодизайне
Спикер: Федотова Кира, светодизайнер, магистр направления Светодизайн, идеолог дизайн мышления в светодизайне, сооснователь и преподаватель школы светодизайна MpeilightLab и ВШЭ Школы Дизайна. Участник европейских Световых воркшопов, проходила обучение по светодизайну в Италии.
April 3. 13:30 - 14:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-576
Взаимодействие светодизайнера с архитектором и дизайнером интерьеров
Спикер: Валентина Балашова, практикующий светодизайнер, архитектор света, сооснователь школы светодизайна MPEI LIGHT LAB
April 3. 14:00 - 14:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-576
Панельная дискуссия с экспертами области
April 3. 14:30 - 15:10 Hall 14. Stand 14-576
LIGHT PRIME. Свет без светильника. Функциональное освещение интерьеров. Задачи, проблемы пути их решения
Спикер: Андрей Петров
LIGHT PRIME. Практическая часть. Критерии качества света, его восприятие. Световые сценарии
Спикер: Антон Булдыгин
April 3. 15:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
For the FIRST time, the Color Revolution Flash Mob by Elena Teplitskaya will be presented at the Exhibition.
Announced at 15:00 from the stage, the participants are invited to Elena's booth (14-538), Hall 14
April 4
Session «The Future of Architecture»
April 4. 11:00 - 12:00 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
An Architect and His/Her Responsibilities in Contemporary Conditions.
Speaker: Arthur Yagubyants, the Artplanner founder, an author of federal projects, such as the buildings of Construction Department 1481 of the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Defence of the Russian Federation, Federal Service for Defence Contracts (Rosoboronzakaz), The Central Academic Theatre of the Russian Army, Zvezda TV, etc.
April 4. 12:30 - 13:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
The Past Architecture in the Future. The General Renovation Ideas.
Speaker: Enrico Guaitoli Panini, an architect (Italy)
April 4. 13:30 - 14:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
The Panel Construction History & Prospects
Speaker: Philipp Meuser, D.Sc. Engineering, a founder of the Meuser Architekten GmbH (Berlin), an author of Industrial Construction History books.
Organizer: DOM publishers
April 4. 14:30 - 15:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
The Interior Design Variations as Elements of Art.
Speaker: Valeriy Kashuba, the architectural and construction company CEO
April 4. 15:30 - 16:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
About Ceramic 3d Software
Speaker: Maria Leskovets, Ceramic 3d Sales Chief
April 4. 16:30 - 17:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Bold Architectural Concepts in Today's Russia. Where's the Edge.
Speaker: Ruben Arakelyan, CEO of the WALL Architectural Bureau ,a co-manager of the Moscow Biennale of Architecture 2018, PhD Architecture, a teacher of the MARCH Architecture School, an artist.
Session: «Integrated Solutions»
April 4. 10:30 - 11:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Bold Art Déco. Overdo Faults to Avoid in Interior Solutions.
Speaker: Tatiana Yuschenko, an interior designer, a design studio CEO, a member of the Russian Union of Designers.
April 4. 11:30 - 12:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Designer & Supplier. Favorable Collaboration and Original Ideas in Projects.
Speaker: Artyom Gulyaev, the Top Design Center CEO of the Sofia Factory
April 4. 12:30 - 13:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Decorating as Lifestyle. Where to Get Inspiration From. How to Apply It in Work.
Speaker: Diana Balashova, a renowned designer and decorator
April 4. 13:30 - 18:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
"Kvartirniy Vopros" and "Dachniy Otvet" TV Shows Face to Face.
The Backstage Life. How to get on the TV Show? What properties do you need? What designs are in- demand among the audience?
Speakers: Executive producer of "Kvartirniy Vopros" and "Dachniy Otvet" TV Shows, presenters of "Kvartirniy Vopros" and "Dachniy Otvet" TV Shows, presenters of the Workshop section
Сессия «Апартаменты будущего»
April 4. 12:00 - 14:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-576
Инновационные материалы и технологии
Спикеры: Геннадий Сирота, руководитель мастерской №6 Управления "Моспроект-2", главный архитектор ММДЦ "Москва-Сити"; Дмитрий Бархин, архитектор, член СМА; Паоло Винчигуэрра, дизайнер, генеральный директор Design Vinci (Италия); Мария Сонне-Фредериксен, член Союза Архитекторов Германии, архитектор, MSА Design (Германия); Екатерина Кириллова, руководитель отдела маркетинга и рекламы, Palmira Group LLC; Андрей Жамкин, директор по развитию сети аппарт-отелей "ЙЕС"; Группа компаний "Пионер"; Павел Ельников, старший юрист, ВДФ PiperRus Limited; Юрий Слизовский, директор по развитию ИГ "Виктори Эссет менеджмент"; модератор: Андрей Волохов, VAP Consulting.
April 5
April 5. Session «The New-Style Public Spaces»
April 5. 10:30 - 11:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Public & Private Spaces Replanning. Unsanctioned Replanning Issues.
Speaker: Olga Rozina, an interior designer, the Concept58 studio CEO
April 5. 11:30 - 12:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Modern Offices & Trends. Why Residents Choose the New Concepts.
Speaker: Maria Nikolaeva, an architect, MAD Architects CEO
April 5. 12:30 - 13:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Hotels Interior Design. From Idea to Implementation.
Speaker: Anastasia Kasparyan, CEO of 'Zolotiye Golovy' Architectural Bureau
April 5. 13:30 - 14:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
The Outstanding Restaurant Projects. How to Be on the Cutting Edge of Innovations.
Speaker: Sergey Stankevich, HoReCa designer, Restomania founder and CEO
April 5. 14:30 - 15:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Developer & Designer. The Towards Success Collaboration.
Speaker: Pavel Gerasimov, Geometrium founder
April 5. 15:30 - 16:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Visual Merchandising in Retail. 10 Design Tips for Marketing.
Speaker: Olga Valle, an interior designer, «City Design» CEO
April 5. 16:30 - 17:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Interior Show Rooms Decor. Tips for the Excellent Product Presentation.
The Additional Features & Requirements for Owners to Keep in Mind.
Speaker: Elena Bardina, Rekana Executive Partner
Session: «Business Solutions in Interior Design»
April 5. 10:30 - 11:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
How to Found a Design Studio. Roadmap. Customer Acquisition in Interior Design. 10 Steps for a Win-Win Business.
Speaker: Stanislav Orehov, a founder of the Design School and Studio.
April 5. 11:30 - 12:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Procurement in Design. The Straightforward Approach.
Speaker: Nadezhda Lashku, an interior designer, a procurement expert
April 5. 12:30 - 13:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Russian Design Bureaus Development in the Global Market. What's Next.
Speaker: Victoria Kiorsak, an interior designer, the design studio CEO
April 5. 13:30 - 14:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
The Design Project Cost. The Mathematical Calculation.
Speaker: Evgeniya Ignatova, an interior designer, the Design Experience Project Manager
April 5. 15:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
BATIMAT INSIDE Contest Summary & Awards
Сессия «Апартаменты будущего»
April 5. 12:00 - 14:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-576
Круглый стол
Спикеры: Джузеппе Арноне (Giuseppe Arnone) архитектор, руководитель студии архитектуры и дизайна Arno Architetture (Италия); Наталия Арноне (Natalia Arnone) руководитель проектов студии Arno Architetture; Кристина Фаеди (Cristina Faedi) директор по развитию и маркетингу Edi.Cer. S.p.a. (входит в состав ассоциации кeрамической промышленности Confindustria ceramica), компании-организатора выставки Cersaie; Анна Пашина, главный редактор журнала "ELITE INTERIOR".
April 5. 15:00 - 16:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-576
Ландшафт будущего
Спикер: Илья Молчанов, ландшафтный архитектор, генеральный директор компании "Илья Молчанов и Партнеры"
April 6
Session «A Designer's Skills in Engineering»
April 6. 10:30 - 11:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Designer & Contractor. Relationships & Dispute Resolution.
Speaker: Victor Ziborov, Zibstroy CEO
April 6. 11:30 - 12:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Power Supply Plan Definition & Design. The General Designers' Faults.
Speaker: Anton Sergeev, an electrical engineer, project manager; Evgeniy Dedyukin, an engineer, Engineering Department Chief
April 6. 12:30 - 13:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Reliable Suppliers. Tips for Choosing the Contractor.
Speaker: Irina Fefelova, an interior designer, the design studio CEO
April 6. 13:30 - 14:30 Hall 13. Stand 13-397
Lighting Design & Trends. New Technologies, New Designs, New Business Solutions.
Speaker: Sergey Siziy, a lighting designer, Lids Lighting Design School CEO
>Session «Item Design in Russia»
April 6. 10:30 - 11:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Custom Furniture & Items. How to Create a Feasible Design.
Speaker: Maria Serebryanaya, an architect, designer, decorator, custom furniture collections designer, the Dom-A Architectural Bureau co-founder, a member of the Russian Union of Designers
April 6. 11:30 - 13:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Industrial Design in Today's Russia. How Ideas are Born and Where They Can Be Realized.
Speaker: Industrial Designers Club – Anna Sazhinova, ARCHPOLE and Konstantin Lagutin, the Ply Company
April 6. 15:30 - 16:30 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
WorldSkills Russia Training Contest Summary & Awards
П WorldSkills Russia Training Contest Summary & Awards (bricklaying, tiling, plumbing engineering, the premiere skill 'Industrial Design'), involving participants from Korea, Iran, Finland, Austria, China, Russia).
Оpen Space Lounge
April 6. 10:00 - 18:00 Hall 14. Stand 14-510
Hall 14 will host arch: speech lounge, Open Space Lounge for architects and designers.
There will be a looped sequence of video reviews about international architectural sites on relevant topics and global trends in urban construction and planning. The Urban Planning, Architecture and Design books will be presented by DOM Publishers, as well as editions of speech: magazine.
The workshops agenda is very diverse and extensive. Before attending please check out schedule and venue on this page.