March 12, 2019
16:00 - 18:00
Free admission
This year one of the speakers at BATIMAT RUSSIA will be Evgenia Mikulina, the founder of – a web portal concerning design and anyone who can help create the perfect interior.
Evgenia Mikulina will give a lecture on the topic: ‘A Good Interior: Who Makes It and How’, which is focused on practicing designers, students and graduates of specialized educational institutions, specialists in the field of design and construction.
Many months of hard professional work (from designers and parquet layers to furnishers and low current specialists) stand behind the beautiful pictures of interior projects in glossy magazines and on design websites. Whose work is more important for shaping the interior? What is more important for the interior – style or comfort? And what is a good interior in general?
Evgenia Mikulina is an architectural and design critic. She graduated from the Moscow Institute of Architecture (State Academy). Master of Architecture. Works in architectural press since 1999. From 2008 to 2018, she was the head of the Russian edition of AD.