Focusing on electric mobility, Crocus Group is initiating motion towards the sustainable development of future technologies with the support of the United Nations. Official cooperation with UN was announced at the press conference on Mobilistic’18 – the first European festival of innovative technologies. It will be held from August 29 to September 9, 2018 in Crocus Expo within the Moscow International Automobile Salon (MIAS).
Crocus Group will present an overview of innovative projects that are rapidly changing our lives: electric cars, autonomous driving, alternative fuel, transport infrastructure and smart cities.
The following speakers were present at the press conference: first vice-president of Crocus Group and the founder of Mobilitistic Emin Agalarov, the author of Mobilistic concept George Redlhammer, Secretary General of the Organization for International Economic Relations (OiER) Kari Aina Eik, CEO of Porsche Russland Thomas Sterzel and CEO of Jaguar Land Rover in Russia Vyacheslav Kuzyakov.
Steven Seagal, the ambassador of the festival, an active figure in the struggle to preserve the environment, who recently became the special representative of the Russian Ministry of Foreign Affairs on humanitarian relations between Russia and the United States, delivered a welcoming speech: “We must take care of our land. Humanity has all the knowledge and resources to ensure environmentally safe and sustainable mobility. We just need to switch the trigger in our thinking and be open to this decision. It is a great honor for me to support the Crocus Group in their work to change Russia for the better”.
Emin Agalarov confirmed that he is very enthusiastic about innovative solutions in the field of transport, that is why he decided to organize the Mobilistic festival: “Motto of Crocus Group is – “Anticipating the future”. Not surprisingly, the idea of Mobilistic was born here. In recent years, our “city” has grown very much, we are planning to build skyscrapers and we want to create an environment that is favorable for life and work. We will also have to offer smart solutions for transport in Crocus City. Mobilistic festival will demonstrate what innovations are already available and will come up in future.
Georg Redlhammer, the Mobilistic ideologist, explains: “We want to give people a holistic picture of the future. We want to show mobility technologies for people and goods to make people think about using alternative engines for transportation. Electric cars are now part of our reality. But the mobility of the future is much wider and brighter! We live in a period of evolution, turning into a revolution. And we want to demonstrate it here, on Mobilistic”.
The Secretary General of the Organization for International Economic Relations, Kari Aina Eik, presented the UN program “Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)”, which sets the basic guidelines for international cooperation until 2030.
These are 17 interrelated global goals that ensure balance of the three components of the country’s sustainable development: economic, social and environmental. The goals and objectives for sustainable development are complex, global in nature and universally applicable. At the same time, they allow to take into account differences in national realities, opportunities and levels of development and respect for national strategies and priorities.
Ms Eik and Mr. Agalarov also made a joint statement: they confirmed that Crocus Group was becoming the key Russian partner of the SDGs program. On the stage of Mobilistic an agreement was signed making Crocus City one of the five “cities of the future” included in the SDGs program, so that Russia and Crocus Group in particular will be able to actively promote principles of world innovation development under the aegis UN.
In Crocus City, the focus will be primarily set on introduction of energy-saving technologies, development of electric transport and children’s environmental education program.
The Mobilistic technology festival was attended by such automobile brands as Porsche, BMW, Jaguar Land Rover, Volgabus, as well as dealers of electromobiles ElectroDrive and Romanov Motors.