The Russian Union of Builders with the support of the Ministry of Construction of Russia will hold a conference on pricing in construction and give practical recommendations. Representatives of the Ministry of Construction, GlavGosExpertiza and the Russian Union of Builders will make reports on topical issues of pricing in construction. The event participants will be acquainted with the development of methodological and regulatory documents in the field of pricing, planning issues, examination of costing standards, aspects of working with the Federal Government Information System for Pricing in Construction, issues concerning opening and maintaining a classifier of construction resources, as well as features of development, examination and application of standards for construction prices.
Moderator: Chairman of the Committee on Pricing and Budget Rationing in Construction of the Russian Union of Builders – Sergey V. Golovin.
- Dmitry A. Volkov, Deputy Minister of Construction, Housing and Public Utilities, the report ‘On the Progress in Improving the Pricing System and Budget Rationing in Construction’;
- Irina V. Tyutmina, Director of the Department of Pricing and Zoning of the Ministry of Construction of Russia, the report ‘Legal Regulation in the Field of Pricing and Budget Rationing’;
- Sergey V. Lakhaev, Deputy Head of GlavGosExpertiza of Russia, topic of the report is being specified.
- Andrey N. Savenkov, Head of the Department of Costing Standards Examination of GlavGosExpertiza of Russia, the report ‘Planning, Development and Costing Standards Examination’;
- Anton A. Sarychev, Deputy Head of Pricing Methodology and Price Monitoring of Construction Resources of GlavGosExpertiza of Russia, the report ‘Working with the Federal Government Information System for Pricing in Construction, Opening and Maintaining a Classifier of Construction Resources’;
- Victoria N. Lyamina, Deputy Head of the Department of Costing Standards Development of GlavGosExpertiza of Russia, the report ‘Development, Examination and Application of Standards for the Price of Construction’;
- Sergey V. Golovin, Chairman of the Committee on Pricing and Budget Rationing in Construction of the Russian Union of Builders, the report ‘Procedure of Developing Costing Standards for Engineering Investigation in Construction’.

The Russian Union of Builders is the largest public organization comprising 82 district, interregional and regional unions, including 260 collective members, uniting more than 41,000 construction organizations, enterprises of the construction industry, institutes in 80 constituent entities of the Russian Federation. Leaders and members of the Union closely cooperate with the State Duma of the Russian Federation and its specialized committees, the Government of the Russian Federation, the Federation Council, the Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation, participate in working out the new legislation and the improvement of regulatory framework. In order to increase the working efficiency, 20 specialized committees have been created within the Union, chaired by the construction industry professionals.

The Ministry of Construction, Housing and Utilities of the Russian Federation is the federal executive body. The department develops and implements state policy and regulations in the field of construction, architecture, urban planning, housing and communal services, provides public services, and manages state property in the relevant field.