March 4, 2020
12:15 - 15:30
Pavillion 2, Conference Hall K
Registration required
Organizer: the National Association of Manufacturers of Building Materials and Products
Outline: The construction industry is currently in a difficult situation, which affects the construction materials industry. Different sub-sectors have their own developmental peculiarities, their own problems. Discussion of possible ways of interaction is extremely necessary at this moment for both manufacturers and government representatives. Leaders of the country’s leading non-profit associations representing different segments of the building materials industry will exchange information and discuss market development prospects. From the mosaic of reports on the state of each separate industry area, the conference participants will form a holistic picture of development trends not only in the construction materials industry, but also in the construction industry as a whole.
The main topics for discussion:
Performance results over the past year, development plans for the future, search for growth points of the building materials industry, export capacity of the industry.
How has the construction market changed in the view of manufacturers of building materials?
What opportunities do manufacturers of building materials have for domestic development and export development? Will export save domestic production of building materials?
What supportive measures does the state offer to manufacturers? And how does it change the rules of the game?
How do industry associations put their market segments in order?
Moderator: Solon Anton Borisovich, Executive Director, the National Association of Manufacturers of Building Materials and Products
Invited Speakers:
- Kuprin Roman Grigoryevich, Deputy Director of the Department of Metallurgy and Materials, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia
- Borisov Roman Nikolaevich, Managing Director of the Association of the Union of Dry Building Mixes Producers
- Savkin Yuri Vladimirovich, Executive Director of the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Expanded Polystyrene
- Gorokhov Alexey Yuryevich, Executive Director of the NAPPAN Association
- Sviridova Evgenia Valerievna, Executive Director of the Rosizol Association
- Molchanova Anna Anatolyevna, Deputy Executive Director of the National Roofing Union
- Kopitsa Vladislav Nikolaevich, representative of the Association of Wooden House Construction
- Grinfeld Gleb Iosifovich, Director of the National Association of Autoclaved Aircrete Manufacturers
- Sekin Sergey Viktorovich, Executive Director of the Union of Glass Enterprises
- Soskov Andrey Alexandrovich, Deputy Executive Director of the Steel Construction Development Association
- Gerashchenko Vladislav Nikolaevich, Director of the Association of Manufacturers of Ceramic Wall Materials
- Tkachenko Vladislav Sergeevich, General Director of Pipeline Systems Manufacturers Association
- Bazylev Evgeny Andreyevich, Chief of Staff of the Moscow branch of Business Russia
- Kotrovsky Dmitry Mikhailovich, Chairman of the Construction Committee, OPORA Russia
Participants in the discussion: all interested companies, manufacturers and suppliers of building and finishing materials.

Solon Anton Borisovich, Executive Director, the National Association of Manufacturers of Building Materials and Products

Kuprin Roman Grigoryevich, Deputy Director of the Department of Metallurgy and Materials, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of Russia

Borisov Roman Nikolaevich, Managing Director of the Association of the Union of Dry Building Mixes Producers

Savkin Yuri Vladimirovich, Executive Director of the Association of Manufacturers and Suppliers of Expanded Polystyrene

Gorokhov Alexey Yuryevich, Executive Director of the NAPPAN Association

Sviridova Evgenia Valerievna, Executive Director of the Rosizol Association

Molchanova Anna Anatolyevna, Deputy Executive Director of the National Roofing Union

Kopitsa Vladislav Nikolaevich, representative of the Association of Wooden House Construction

Grinfeld Gleb Iosifovich, Director of the National Association of Autoclaved Aircrete Manufacturers

Sekin Sergey Viktorovich, Executive Director of the Union of Glass Enterprises

Soskov Andrey Alexandrovich, Deputy Executive Director of the Steel Construction Development Association

Gerashchenko Vladislav Nikolaevich, Director of the Association of Manufacturers of Ceramic Wall Materials

Tkachenko Vladislav Sergeevich, General Director of Pipeline Systems Manufacturers Association

Bazylev Evgeny Andreyevich, Chief of Staff of the Moscow branch of Business Russia

Kotrovsky Dmitry Mikhailovich, Chairman of the Construction Committee, OPORA Russia